
How to Divide by Zero (and the Resulting Aftermath)

In computer programming, integer division by zero may cause a program to terminate.

To begin dividing by Zero, you need the following materials
-Strong power of will (I don't think I just made that up)

Now proceed as follows:

1. Write a regular division equation, such as 12/2.

2. Solve the equation, in this case = 6.

3. Now write 10/0, in standard division form.

4. Try to solve it.

5. Nothing happens?

6. Ok, subtract 2 by itself (2 - 2) equaling zero, now it is understood that 2-2=0

7. Divide 10/(2-2) forcing the paper to believe that 2-2 is completely equal to 0.

8. You may have some difficulty, or you may end up with an answer like (5 - 5).

9. Simplify (5 - 5) and you will get something like this:

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