
How To Avoide a Speeding Ticket

From your local neighborhood Ghost Rider.

This is a 5 minute video, skip to the 5 minute mark and watch from there if you want a crash course instead of the full instruction. :)

Every Family Guy Episode (Free and Streaming)

Just when you thought you couldn't get enough family guy.

Now don't say I never gave you anything (besides every futurama episode)

Includes every episode, and a description of next weeks episode.. then when that airs, that episode will be online.

You are welcome.

Kid Gets Hit By A Van. . .

No Seriously.. Gets hit hard as fuck.

Kid Hit Hard by a Van

Whatever the creators did, they did a good job.

All Futurama Episodes

So, I've been MIA the past few days. . Somehow I got myself caught up in the craziness that is playing World of Warcraft.. but i'm playing on a 'blizzlike' private server for free.. so screw that $15 a month subscription fee.

But as an apology for not posting for the past couple days (to all of the two people who check this) I present to you a website with Streaming FLV's (like youtube) of every Futrama episode, organized by season.

Its part of my stash, but i figure its on the internet so I can't keep it secret.

All Futurama Episodes

How to Divide by Zero (and the Resulting Aftermath)

In computer programming, integer division by zero may cause a program to terminate.

To begin dividing by Zero, you need the following materials
-Strong power of will (I don't think I just made that up)

Now proceed as follows:

1. Write a regular division equation, such as 12/2.

2. Solve the equation, in this case = 6.

3. Now write 10/0, in standard division form.

4. Try to solve it.

5. Nothing happens?

6. Ok, subtract 2 by itself (2 - 2) equaling zero, now it is understood that 2-2=0

7. Divide 10/(2-2) forcing the paper to believe that 2-2 is completely equal to 0.

8. You may have some difficulty, or you may end up with an answer like (5 - 5).

9. Simplify (5 - 5) and you will get something like this:

Click to make larger

This Kid is Greater Than You

In light of recent progress on the guitar;
here's a video of a little kid (6 or 7) Effortlessly strumming through some classic Led Zeppelin.

I want to believe its a fake (maybe out of jealousy), but I can't find anything that proves it.

How Not to Firebomb a Nightclub

Firebombing is a bombing technique designed to damage a target, generally an urban area, through the use of fire from an incendiary device, rather than from the blast effect of large bombs.

CCTV catches a guy on a motorcycle pull up outside a nightclub and attempt to firebomb it. Watch what happens.

He totally did that on purpose.

The Funniest Photo Ever Posted on an eBay Auction (NSFW)

How can you tell this dining room table is being sold by a man?Just look at the picture and see if you can tell. . .Hint: Keep your eye on the mirror on the left.

(click to make bigger)

If you still can't tell. . . MY GOD, MAN PUT ON SOME CLOTHES!

Iron Man 2008 Official Trailer Spoof

I may be late on this but, I saw the original trailer a few weeks ago when I saw CloverField (which i wasn't too pleased with). But this movie looks insane. Based on the trailer it looks great, and I wouldn't have gone any other way as far as the soundtrack is concerned.

Here is a funny trailer I just saw a few minutes ago that accurately depicts the key points in the movie, be your own judge. Lets just hope this isn't one of those movies where all the good parts are in the trailer..

Ok ok now here's the real trailer

Peter Griffin: Rock Lobster

I've been trying to learn this song on the classical guitar for about 2 days now. . I'm a n00b but its coming along nicely.. in fact i have it down, just working on doing it as fast as peter does it.

But where would the day be without a family guy clip, so here it is: ROCK LOBSTA

Photoshop Is Art Too. . .

But not in Hong Kong, however.

Recently in Xinhua, China, controversy has erupted over one measly, award-winning "photograph"; It went to the extent that the state-run news agency issued a public apology for even publishing the doctored photograph.

What was the photograph of, you ask? A "a doctored photograph of Tibetan wildlife frolicking near a high-speed train." Yep, sounds insignificant enough.

But, in fact, the aforementioned "high-speed train" is $4 billion Qinghai-Xizang railway that spans 1,200 miles of rugged terrain to connect the rest of China to the remote Tibetan plateau. The picture of the rare Antelope frolicking near the train tracks was most likely published to ease environmentalist concerns. Now that the picture is a phony, a whole new can of worms is likely to burst open.

Also, may i point out, that the photoshopery was brought to life, by none other than, quote/unqoute "Internet users". See mom, I told you the internet has a purpose!

This of course is my half-assed synopsis on the event, so without further adieu, here is a link to the full story.

The Wall Street Journal

Two for One Special

In honor of the me officially finishing the blog today, I have two special lessons lined up for this post:

  1. How to Show Off While Winning A Bike Race.


2. How to Gracefully Glide Across a Soaped-Up Counter top.

Congratulations! You now know how to be a jackass!

Hayatebune: Check this guy out

In my recent escapades, I've decided to take up a third instrument: the Classical Acoustic Guitar (nylon). One night, I was up late surfing the net as usual, and ran across this rather amazing video on youtube of a young man playing the main them from Pirates of the Caribbean on Electric guitar - with a slight twist.

The original track plays as a backing with a nice thumping Drum track as the back bone. This is what I would qualify as talent. Also, be sure to visit his site and see if you can find the MP3 download for this song. Hint: Search for the Jolly Roger. (


Ok, so it appears that I have everything in working order as of now. Only things left are to design a new banner possibly, and write a few custom codes to get everything feeling nice and homey.

No one is ever supposed to see these posts, so I'll just say whatever the hell i want.

