
All Futurama Episodes

So, I've been MIA the past few days. . Somehow I got myself caught up in the craziness that is playing World of Warcraft.. but i'm playing on a 'blizzlike' private server for free.. so screw that $15 a month subscription fee.

But as an apology for not posting for the past couple days (to all of the two people who check this) I present to you a website with Streaming FLV's (like youtube) of every Futrama episode, organized by season.

Its part of my stash, but i figure its on the internet so I can't keep it secret.

All Futurama Episodes


jlc35906 said...

THANK YOU!!!! I've been looking for a website with all of them for a VERY LONG TIME! thank you VERY MUCH!!!
by the way, do you mean wowscape? I play that!